Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Games in Portland...and sad news about Sweet As

Tuesday night saw the mundis play two games against local teams Orc$hack and Triceratops. Our first game was against Orc$hack, a well established team that has many skillful players (the Orc stands for old and retired with children). Our D team came out firing, with the mundis away to a quick lead. Vickie Saye played amazingly, getting two layout scores, one toeing the sideline, the other with heaps of air at the back of the endzone. Final score, 14-5 to the mundis.

The second game was against Triceratops, a newly formed team of mostly younger players. As our billets for the last few days have been from Triceratops, both teams were eagerly anticipating the game. The game was closer, with both teams moving the disc quickly up the field. It was exciting to see the mundis put numerous hucks up to their women, with Bec Carman and Andy Wang making some good long runs. Mention should also go to Laina who got 2 D's in the same point! Final score, 11-6 (?).

Despite the good wins, the team is pretty bummed at the moment as Sweet As (Brett Middleton) was injured in the first game and is out for Worlds. In laying out on D against Orc$hack, Sweet As tore his PCL. Everyone is in shock that this has happened and there is a sense of disbelief that he won't be leaping around in his usual style at Worlds. Hopefully, the PCL tear won't interfere too much with Brett's dance moves, as he has been the leader of the all male mundi dance troop who have some pretty snazzy hand actions to the Vengaboys hit "We like to party". Sweet, we love you lots and are thinking of you. I'm sure everyone back in Oz is thinking of you too, so please send Sweet As some pep up messages.


Seppo said...

Nice work Mundis, but sorry to hear the news about Sweet As. Brings back sad memories of poor Sue Brown doing in her ankle back in 2004. :(

Keep your head up Sweet As. The team will need you firing them up on the sideline.

Good luck on Day 1 vs. USA. Wish I was there to support ya, but alas Monday will be my first day @ WUGC.

Go get em Mundis! Yeeeeeeeeeeehaw!!!!

- Seppoooooooooooo

tamarastro said...

Ohhhwh. Sweet As, that sucks. I hope you still bring your undampened spirit to the sideline and cheer on your team in true sweet-as style.

Go Mundis! We're thinking of you and cheering you from back home!

Hugs all you superstars.